
Freddie's Review - Buffalo, NY, United States

When I found I was so frustrated with what had recently happened. There were two of us in line for a great promotion at work. However, I was not willing to “fix the books” like my manager wanted so I did not get the promotion… the other guy did. I really needed that to survive as I was barely getting by on my measly pay. I found your site and knew what I wanted… I wanted my manager to finally be caught, along with the guy that now had the promotion, wanted them both to get what they deserved. A week after requesting the ramshackled finances revenge spell our company was audited, the accounting discrepancies were found and the people responsible were let go and brought up on fraud charges. I now have my ex-managers job and don’t expect my employees to “fix” anything other than their mistakes.

Thank you for all you have done for me and my family!

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